
Brian Cugelman

Since 1997, I’ve built my career on social mobilization, digital campaigning and program evaluation, with my academic research focused on the science of Internet behaviour change and persuasion. I obtained my PhD in Online Social Marketing with a world leading Internet research team.

Here are some killer facts about me:

•I was invited by the Pentagon to address the Cyber Influence Project, authorized by an official operating three levels below US President Obama.

•I have been published in the world’s top scientific eHealth journal, with an earlier scientific paper deemed a top submission by academic peers at the Persuasive 08 conference.

•I evaluated the United Nations’ highest profile global campaign, the Millennium Campaign.

•My evaluation of Oxfam GB’s largest campaign was deemed a best practice in advocacy evaluation by InterAction, praised by Oxfam senior management for having “raised the bar”, and a methodology our team developed for this evaluation was featured by London School of Economics consultants.

•My digital campaign for the United Nations Year of Volunteers had achieved such a high level of success, that the United Nations General Assembly asked my agency to continue our work.

•I achieved the highest possible staff rating while working for the United Nations (“outstanding,” “an example of best practices in his field”) as a result of my digital campaigning work, a pitch to Benetton resulting in an 11 million Euro campaign, and a TV PSA with Kofi Annan that was aired on CNN and other TV networks, reaching 50 million people.

•I have authored and co-authored over 20 scientific and evaluation papers on digital advocacy, the psychology of health changing websites, online trust and credibility, and Internet engagement.

•I have been invited to act as an expert advisor for the World Anti-Doping Agency, the Heart and Stroke Foundation, and the International Conference on Persuasive Tech.

  • Company:Alterspark
  • Short Bio:Digital media practitioner, scientist, author, educator
  • www.alterspark.com
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